Fallon Community Theatre Inc. is pleased to present the box office hit, highest grossing film of 1986 “Top Gun” on Monday, July 4 at 2:00 p.m. in the historic downtown Fallon Theatre, 71 N. Maine Street. Admission is $5. Sustaining members are admitted free. Tickets are available at Kent’s Supply on N. Maine St., Berney Reality on Williams Ave. and at the downtown Fallon Theatre on S. Maine Street. Tickets will also be available at the door. Come early to ensure a good seat.
Top Gun (1986) was the highest grossing film of 1986. It took $177 million in the US alone, and $353 million worldwide. Australian hit Crocodile Dundee (1986) was the second biggest film of the year, with Platoon (1986) coming in third.
Our very own Fallon Naval Air Station was used for filming the dogfight scenes over land. There’s buzz about Top Gun 2 being filmed here soon.
From imdb.com:
“As students at the United States Navy’s elite fighter weapons school compete to be best in the class, one daring young pilot learns a few things from a civilian instructor that are not taught in the classroom.”
And a couple thoughts from Mental Floss.com {http://mentalfloss.com/article/63980/10-speedy-facts-about-top-gun}:
Top Gun the movie was based on a real flight school called U.S. Navy Fighter Weapons School or TOPGUN, formerly based at Miramar Naval Air Station in San Diego. The school was founded in the late 1960s as a way to combat losing the air war in Vietnam. Because of base realignments and closures, TOPGUN relocated to Fallon, Nevada in 1996, and was renamed the United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor. Anytime a staffer quotes or references the movie, the school reportedly fines them $5. So if you ever “feel the need, the need for speed” while at the actual school, you may want to keep it to yourself (or you’ll have to fork over some coin).
The producers have been discussing a sequel ever since the movie came out, but it sounds like it’s finally coming together. Before Top Gun director Tony Scott’s death in 2012, he was onboard to direct the sequel. Since then, a few screenwriters have been attached to write Top Gun 2, including Peter Craig (The Town), and most recently, Justin Marks (The Jungle Book). The script will reportedly center on “drones in modern aerial warfare.” Both Cruise and Val Kilmer (Iceman) have expressed interest in acting in the sequel. Even though Scott and the film’s co-producer, Don Simpson, are deceased, in 2013 Kilmer told Larry King that “it wouldn’t be that difficult to maintain the spirit [of the original].”