On behalf of the Fallon Community Theater, Inc’s Board of Directors, we truly hope everyone is staying safe and well! That being said, we feel that it is in the best interest of our volunteers and the community to err on the side of caution and cease operation for a short period of time while the concern regarding the COVID-19 virus runs its course.
This Sunday, March 15th, will be our final movie showing for at least the next two weeks. We will reevaluate throughout this time to decide if staying closed longer would be beneficial. However, this won’t be purely downtime! We plan on using this hiatus to complete some various house-keeping projects – attic work, deep cleaning, painting, prepping the air conditioning units, and cleaning up our Sustaining Membership list among other things.
We appreciate the community’s support and patronage throughout the years that we’ve been working on this project and we fully intend to come back from this break better than ever and ready to continue providing fabulous community events! Unfortunately, this means that our monthly concert series featuring the Will Shamberger Band (March 27th) as well as our monthly Saturday Morning Cartoon event (March 28th) will be postponed.
Thank you for understanding and we apologize for any inconvenience!